Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I started this blog today because I have a lot of thoughts running through my head and thought that, rather than keeping them inside as I have done for several years, it would be interesting to get them in print.

I've been on what I have now titled My Word of Wisdom Journey for a few years now. I'm trying to understand what the Lord meant when giving us this Word of Wisdom in Doctrine & Covenants Section 89. Almost all of my life I thought it basically said that drinking coffee, tea, alcohol, and smoking cigarettes weren't good for us. But I have come to realize that there is so much more in that section that can help us live wonderful, productive lives.

The purpose of this blog is for me to gain insight and then try to make sense of it as I write. I'm definitely not a gospel scholar, nor am I an expert on all things wellness, but as I gain insight, I'm going to keep record.

Sunday as I was sitting in church listening to testimonies, hearing about people dying of cancer, dealing with illnesses, etc., I looked around. How many of us are struggling with health issues simply because of what we put in our bodies? I know that we significantly improve our health by not partaking of harmful substances found in alcohol and cigarettes, but what other harmful chemicals can we avoid? What insights can we gain from the Word of Wisdom to help us live active, healthy lives without disease? What does the Word of Wisdom tell us TO eat and how can this help us?

This is my Journey - this is what I want to know more about.

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